DefinitionBlock ("", "SSDT", 2, "ACDT", "ps2", 0)
    // Change _SB.PCI0.LPC.KBD if your PS2 keyboard is at a different ACPI path
    External(_SB.PCI0.LPC.KBD, DeviceObj)
        // Select specific configuration in VoodooPS2Trackpad.kext
        Method(_DSM, 4)
            If (!Arg2) { Return (Buffer() { 0x03 } ) }
            Return (Package()
                "RM,oem-id", "LENOVO",
                "RM,oem-table-id", "Thinkpad_TrackPad",
        Name(RMCF, Package()
            "Synaptics TouchPad", Package()
                "BogusDeltaThreshX", 100,
                "BogusDeltaThreshY", 100,
                "Clicking", ">y",
                "DragLockTempMask", 0x40004,
                "DynamicEWMode", ">n",
                "FakeMiddleButton", ">n",
                "HWResetOnStart", ">y",
                //"ForcePassThrough", ">y",
                //"SkipPassThrough", ">y",
                "PalmNoAction When Typing", ">y",
                "ScrollResolution", 800,
                "SmoothInput", ">y",
                "UnsmoothInput", ">y",
                "Thinkpad", ">y",
                "DivisorX", 1,
                "DivisorY", 1,
                "FingerZ", 47,
                "MaxTapTime", 100000000,
                "MomentumScrollThreshY", 16,
                "MouseMultiplierX", 8,
                "MouseMultiplierY", 8,
                "MouseScrollMultiplierX", 2,
                "MouseScrollMultiplierY", 2,
                "MultiFingerHorizontalDivisor", 4,
                "MultiFingerVerticalDivisor", 4,
                "Resolution", 3200,
                "ScrollDeltaThreshX", 10,
                "ScrollDeltaThreshY", 10,
                //"TrackpointScrollYMultiplier", 1, //Change this value to 0xFFFF in order to inverse the vertical scroll direction of the Trackpoint when holding the middle mouse button.
                //"TrackpointScrollXMultiplier", 1, //Change this value to 0xFFFF in order to inverse the horizontal scroll direction of the Trackpoint when holding the middle mouse button.

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